Home Lift
Home Lift
Home Lift
We are a provider of home lift design service of various styles to best match the lifestyle of each of our customer from simple elegance to modern style. Each design can perfectly reflect the taste of the home owner. At Sicor Schneider, quality and safety are our top priorities. We also provide installation as well as maintenance services through simple process at cost efficient price to offer another alternative for customers who are looking for a personal Home Lift for additional convenience in their life.
Home Lift is a small-sized lift. It therefore requires only simple design without a pit, which means that it can be installed in commercial buildings, twin house, or even town house without causing any disturbance to the surrounding neighbors. As for the structural design of hoist way, we have a team of designers, professional structural engineers and full-time engineers available to help you in designing and constructing your hoist way with cover included at fair price.
SICOR SCHNEIDER (THAILAND) CO., LTD. (+66) 86-3981323, (+66) 86-3136855
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